Zero Friction Graphite Lube
ALL GRAPHITE IS NOT THE SAME!!! This is now the fastest dry lubricant available. This is a product of months of testing different brands of graphite and coming up with the best mixture. If you are required to use graphite then this is the fastest option available.
This is currently the fastest Pinewood Derby graphite lubricant available!
How much faster is it than other products out there? In our extensive testing this is what we have found: The testing procedure was done removing the graphite by compressed air. The cars were run 20 times with each lube and the DerbyDad4Hire Zero Friction outperformed every other graphite available. The 20 run time average difference is listed below.
- .007 or .2 car lengths faster than Hob-E-Lube
- .042 or 1.4 car lengths faster than Tube-O-Lube
- .01 or .3 car lengths faster than Maximum-Velocity
- .029 1 car length faster than Monkey Dust
- .015 or .5 car lengthsfaster than Coaches Secret Lube
- .023 or .7 car lengths faster than Treadmill Dudes Graphite Dust
This is the lubrication you want to dominate your pinewood derby if you can’t use oil!
1 dram per bottle
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